Teen Rhinoplasty

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Beverly Hills and Greater Los Angeles

Teen rhinoplasty, teen nose job

Teen rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure to change the shape or functionality of the nose for patients 18 years old or younger. It is often done to improve breathing, correct a congenital disability, or enhance the nose’s appearance. Being a teenager is hard, but it can be even more complicated when you feel self-conscious about your nose. That’s why Dr. Michael Omidi offers teen nose jobs to his patients in Beverly Hills and the greater Los Angeles area; the capital of plastic surgery. Teens in Hollywood can put their best faces forward with the help of a rhinoplasty procedure from Dr. Omidi.

Dr. Michael Omidi, M.D., F.A.C.S., is a double-board certified plastic surgeon performing rhinoplasty for over 15 years. He understands the unique concerns of teenage patients and their parents, and he will work with you to ensure that you get the results you want. The first step is to come in for a consultation at our state-of-the-art facility with Dr. Omidi and his staff. If you are a teen who is unhappy with your profile and the contours of your nose, don’t delay! Talk to your parent or guardian about scheduling a no-obligation consultation with Dr. Omidi today. Call (310) 281-0155 or fill out our contact form, and we will be in touch shortly.

Before and After Photos

I Hate My Nose!

In the United States, more than 200,000 rhinoplasties were performed in 2018, making it the third most requested plastic surgery. [1] And did you know that teen rhinoplasty is also the most common surgical procedure teens request? [2] The reasons may range from functional to cosmetic, but the goal is to improve the patient’s quality of life. Frequently, teenagers want rhinoplasty to:

  • Correct a congenital disability or injury
  • Improve breathing
  • Alter the shape of the nose
  • Improve self-confidence

The intricacies of performing a nose job on tissue that is still growing require a knowledgeable surgeon and skilled technique. Depending on the goals of the surgery, the approach to rhinoplasty will be different. For example:


Cosmetic rhinoplasty is done to change the shape of the nose for aesthetic reasons; this may involve reducing the size of the nose, changing the shape of the bridge or tip, or narrowing the nostrils.


Functional rhinoplasty is done to improve the shape of the nose to improve breathing or correct a congenital disability; this can involve breaking and resetting the bones in the nose, as well as repositioning the cartilage to correct a deviated septum or other nasal obstruction. This type of surgery is often done in conjunction with cosmetic surgery.

Combined Rhinoplasty and Septoplasty

Combining rhinoplasty and septoplasty (septorhinoplasty) is the best of both worlds, as it can address aesthetic and functional concerns in one surgery.

The Omidi Difference

Dr. Omidi is a highly skilled and experienced surgeon who has helped countless patients achieve their aesthetic goals. He understands the importance of getting it right the first time, which is why he takes such care with every patient. So when you come to our office, you can be confident that you are in good hands.

Clinical studies show that septorhinoplasty is safe for teenagers under 18. [1] But you can’t get a nose job without consultation, so schedule yours today! Dr. Omidi and his staff are standing by to help you fix your nose and achieve aesthetic goals.


The benefits of teen rhinoplasty are many and varied. For some, it may be a life-changing event that allows them to breathe better or correct a congenital disability. For others, it may improve their self-confidence and quality of life. No matter your motivation for considering rhinoplasty, Dr. Omidi will work with you to ensure that you get the desired results.

As with any surgery, there are risks involved with rhinoplasty. These include infection, bleeding, and reactions to anesthesia. However, these risks are minimal when performed by a skilled surgeon like Dr. Omidi.

The Best Candidate for Teen Rhinoplasty

The best candidates for teen rhinoplasty are:

  • Nonsmokers
  • Patients with a deviated septum
  • Patients who are unhappy with the appearance of their nose
  • In good physical and emotional health
  • Those with realistic expectations for the results of surgery

Even though studies have proven the safety of rhinoplasty in teenagers, patients and their families should be counseled regarding possible complications and the potential for secondary rhinoplasty. Secondary rhinoplasty is more common in teens than adults because the nose is still growing, so the decision to undergo this surgery should not be taken lightly. [1] There are also the possibilities of adverse effects on craniofacial growth. Dr. Omidi will address these concerns and more during your consultation.

Personal Consultation

At your consultation at our beautiful Beverly Hills office, Dr. Omidi will evaluate your unique concerns to develop a treatment plan tailored to you. He will answer any questions about the surgery or recovery process. You can trust that you will be well informed and comfortable with your decision before moving forward.

Dr. Omidi will examine your nose and face to determine if your concerns warrant a rhinoplasty. In adolescents, the nose continues to grow until around age 12 to 16 in girls and 15 to 18 in boys [1], so Dr. Omidi needs to consider all aspects of your case — age, aesthetic concerns, and functionality — before clearing you for surgery.

He will also go over your medical history and any medicine you take. Then, if you are an ideal surgical candidate, Dr. Omidi will explain the options and help you choose the best course of action. Once you have decided to proceed with surgery, Dr. Omidi will provide detailed instructions on preparing for your procedure.

Rhinoplasty is a big decision, but you don’t have to go through it alone. So schedule a consultation today and get started on the path to the nose you’ve always wanted. Call (310) 281-0155 to speak with one of our scheduling coordinators.

Preparing for Rhinoplasty Surgery as a Teenager

Teens undergoing rhinoplasty can prepare for surgery by doing the following:

  • Eating a healthy diet
  • Exercising regularly
  • Getting plenty of rest
  • Avoiding sun exposure
  • Wearing sunscreen
  • Staying hydrated
  • Quit Smoking

Teens who smoke will be asked to quit at least two weeks before and after surgery because smoking increases the risks of complications, including infection and poor healing. In addition, Dr. Omidi may ask you to begin or adjust medicine leading up to your surgery. Following these guidelines will ensure you are healthy and ready for your procedure.

What to Expect on the Day of Surgery

On the day of your surgery, arrive at the office a few hours before your scheduled procedure time. You will be given a sedative to help you relax. We want you to be as comfortable as possible going into your surgery.

Teen rhinoplasty is performed using either general anesthesia, which puts you to sleep for the duration of the surgery or local anesthesia with sedation, which numbs the area and puts you in a relaxed state. [3] The type of anesthesia used will be based on your individual case.

Once you are asleep or relaxed and numbed, Dr. Omidi will make incisions inside the nose or across the columella, the strip of skin separating the nostrils. He will then gently separate the skin from the underlying bone and cartilage. Next, he may trim, reshape, or augment this tissue before repositioning it and securing it in place with sutures, splints, or grafts. 

After making necessary adjustments, Dr. Omidi will close the incisions using either dissolvable or external sutures. Next, he will place a splint on the outside of your nose to help support and protect the new shape as you heal.


You can expect to experience some swelling and bruising of the nose after your surgery. Your eyes may also be swollen and black and blue; this is all normal and will subside over time. You may also have some drainage from your nose for the first 24 to 48 hours after surgery. You will go home with a splint on your nose, and may also have packing placed in your nose.

You will need someone to drive you home after your surgery and stay with you for at least the first night. Getting plenty of rest and avoiding strenuous activity or nose blowing for the first few weeks following your surgery is important.

Dr. Omidi will see you for follow-up appointments to check your healing process and remove your splint and sutures, usually around one week after surgery. Most people feel well enough to return to school within a week, but you should avoid strenuous activity until Dr. Omidi clears you. And it goes without saying, protect your nose from any harm or impact.

You should see a significant improvement in the appearance of your nose within two weeks. However, it can take up to a year for your final results to be visible.


Teenagers who undergo nose jobs with Dr. Omidi will enjoy aesthetically pleasing and functional results. Not only will their noses look better, but they will also be able to breathe more easily. The experience that Dr. Omidi brings to each surgery offers patients the best possible outcome.

Please contact our office today to learn about teen rhinoplasty or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Omidi.


The cost of your rhinoplasty depends on several factors, including:

  • Anesthesia fees
  • Surgical facility fees
  • Medical tests
  • Post-surgery care
  • Surgeon’s fee
  • Insurance coverage

Rhinoplasty is often considered a cosmetic procedure, which means that most insurance plans will not cover the cost. However, if your rhinoplasty is in order to correct a functional problem, such as a deviated septum, your insurance may cover some or all of the cost. We will work with you to help you understand your coverage and what to expect in terms of out-of-pocket expenses.


  1. Fichman M, Piedra Buena IT. Rhinoplasty. PubMed. Published 2020. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK558970/
  2. Kalantar-Hormozi A, Ravar R, Abbaszadeh-Kasbi A, Rita Davai N. Teenage Rhinoplasty. World Journal of Plastic Surgery. 2018;7(1):97-102. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5890372/
  3. Ignacio G. Rhinoplasty and Septumplasty under Local Anesthesia: Our Experience in the ORL Service of Hospital Ramos Mejía. Journal of Otolaryngology-ENT Research. 2017;6(3). doi:10.15406/joentr.2017.06.00165