Facial Feminization

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Beverly Hills and Greater Los Angeles

Facial feminization is a collection of procedures that can transform your facial structure for a softer, more feminine look. If you are transitioning and you desire a more feminine appearance, we can customize the procedure to help you achieve your ideal facial aesthetic.

Many patients seek facial feminization because they want to enhance their outward appearance, increase confidence, or simply feel more comfortable in their skin. For many transgender people, facial feminization is an essential aspect of personal expression and identity, helping them align their physical appearance with their gender identity.

Michael Omidi, M.D., F.A.C.S. is a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in transformative face and body treatments. He is well-known for his natural-looking results, and he can perform a variety of treatments including nose reshaping (rhinoplasty), forehead reduction, brow lift, lip augmentation, and chin surgery to help you achieve a more feminine face.

A physical appearance that represents one’s gender identity is important for quality of life and well-being. However, only 25% of transgender individuals have the resources to transition, despite their desire to do so. (1) Gender-affirming facial feminization is an important option for transgender individuals to live a life aligned with their gender identity.

Contact our Beverly Hills office or call (310) 281-0155 to learn more about how we can help.

About Facial Feminization

Facial feminization is a highly customizable procedure, and Dr. Omidi will create an individualized treatment plan to help you achieve a softer, more feminine look. Several facial features play a crucial role in helping to achieve a more feminine appearance including the forehead, eyes, eyebrows, nose, chin, midface, and hairline. (2) Dr. Omidi can focus on several different facial areas depending on the look you would like to achieve.


Rhinoplasty is a procedure that changes the appearance of the nose by reshaping the underlying cartilage and bone. The nose is a prominent feature that affects aesthetic appearance. Dr. Omidi can perform a reduction rhinoplasty to help you achieve softer, more feminine features. (3)  Surgical techniques for feminizing rhinoplasty may include but are not limited to nasal reshaping, removing a dorsal hump, altering tip projection and angle, and adjusting nostril size or width.

For enhanced results, please see Dr. Omidi’s pioneering work in Designed Rhinoplasty.

Forehead Reduction & Hairline Advancement

Forehead reduction is especially relevant for transgender women who might find that a high forehead does not correspond with their desired aesthetic. A reduction in forehead size can enhance overall facial harmony by adjusting the proportions of the face and creating an image that feels more authentic. Dr. Omidi can employ various surgical techniques depending on individual needs, such as hair transplantation and brow bone contouring.

Brow Lift

A brow lift is designed to enhance the forehead region and reshape the brow area. This procedure can contribute significantly to achieving a more feminine appearance, depending on individual goals. Patients seeking a brow lift typically desire improvements in their eyebrow position, contouring of the forehead, and a reduction in sagging skin that may lead to an unhappy, tired, or more masculine appearance.

Lip Augmentation

Lip augmentation is designed to enhance the size and shape of the lips. Using dermal fillers, this procedure can significantly increase lip volume, providing a plumper, fuller look that aligns with individualized aesthetic goals. (4) The enhancement of full, well-defined lips can dramatically contribute to a more feminine appearance.

Chin Reduction & Jawline Recontouring

Chin surgery (mentoplasty) is a procedure that reshapes the chin with implants or makes changes to your underlying bone structure. If a patient has a naturally large or masculine chin, Dr. Omidi can reshape it for a softer appearance. Chin reduction surgery specifically targets the excess bony protrusion of the chin. Dr. Omidi removes a portion of the bone to create a less prominent chin. A small incision is often made underneath the chin, which allows for precise bone contouring while ensuring scars are hidden.

Sometimes, patients may benefit from surgeries that focus on the entire lower jaw area instead of just the chin. By resizing and reshaping the jawbone with mandibular angle reduction techniques, the overall facial contours can be enhanced. (5) This approach provides a harmonious balance between the chin, jawline, and other features for a more feminine facial appearance.

Facial Feminization Benefits

With facial feminization treatments, you can enjoy:

  • Enhanced Femininity: Facial feminization aims to provide more traditionally feminine traits, aligning physical appearance with internal identity.
  • Increased self-esteem: Achieving a more feminine appearance can help you feel more comfortable and confident in your skin.
  • Aligned gender identity: You can finally enjoy a physical appearance that expresses who you are.
  • A natural appearance: Dr. Omidi will create a plan that helps you achieve a balanced, natural look.
  • Customizable treatments: Dr. Omidi can customize your treatment for the results you feel are beautiful and that align with your gender expression.
  • Long-lasting results: Most enhancements offer durable changes allowing for lasting satisfaction and reduced need for follow-up procedures.


Suitable candidates for facial feminization would like a softer, more feminine appearance. Often, candidates recently underwent a gender transition after experiencing long-term gender dysphoria and they no longer feel that their appearance aligns with their true identity. If you are a candidate for facial feminization, you will need to:

  • Have realistic expectations about the results you can achieve with the procedure
  • Take good care of your body before and after the procedure
  • Feel ready to make permanent changes to your appearance

Many facial feminization procedures such as nose reshaping result in permanent changes to your cartilage and bone structure. For this reason, patients will need to be secure in their gender identity and have a clear understanding of the look they would like to achieve. You are likely a good candidate if you are a healthy nonsmoker who wishes to look and feel more feminine.

Personal Consultation

During your consultation, Dr. Omidi will ask about your medical history, current medications, and aesthetic goals to create a personalized treatment plan. Discussing your aesthetic goals in depth is crucial for helping you achieve the results you desire. During your appointment, Dr. Omidi will examine your skin and underlying bone structure to create an effective treatment plan for your needs. He may recommend a single procedure or series of treatments depending on your desired look.

To learn more about additional procedures, see our blog.


To prepare for facial feminization, you will need to:

  • Stop taking blood thinners
  • Avoid sun exposure to prevent skin damage
  • Refrain from drinking alcohol 24 hours before and after
  • Stop smoking for 6 weeks before and after your treatment
  • Reschedule harsh chemical peels and resurfacing treatments
  • Arrange for someone you trust to drive you home
  • Schedule time off work to recover

Many patients run errands ahead of time and create a comfortable place in their homes to recover so they can focus on healing. You will need to be prepared to carefully follow your recovery instructions and take care of your incisions for the best results.


On the day of your procedure, you will need to arrive at the office in comfortable clothing. Your procedure will depend on your unique treatment plan since everyone has a different bone structure and different ideas about how they would like to enhance their femininity. The procedure can take several hours depending on your personal needs and the combination of procedures you need for your desired look.


Patients will receive thorough guidance about wound care and activities to avoid during the early stages of recovery. Your recovery period will depend on your specific procedure. Some patients have minor swelling around incision sites that they can easily alleviate with a cold compress and over-the-counter medication. While initial healing occurs within a few weeks, full results can take several months to refine and stabilize. Dr. Omidi will provide specific instructions for your recovery period to help you achieve the best results.


After facial feminization, you can enjoy a softer, rounder, more feminine profile. Many patients feel that facial feminization helps them reflect their true gender identity and express themselves in a way that is more aligned with who they are. Patients often find that the life-changing impact extends far beyond the physical, contributing positively to their emotional and psychological well-being.

Additional Gender-Affirming Procedures

If you have additional body goals, Dr. Omidi offers several gender-affirming body contouring procedures to help you achieve a more feminine look:

  • Breast enhancement: If you would like to achieve a curvier shape, breast enhancement with implants or fat transfer can help you achieve rounder, fuller breasts and natural-looking cleavage.
  • Brazilian butt lift: Dr. Omidi can increase the size of your buttocks with a fat transfer for a smoother, curvier appearance. During the procedure, he can perform liposuction to extract fat from one area of your body and inject it into another. Enhancing your curves with a BBL is one of the most effective ways to achieve an hourglass shape.
  • Body Contouring: Dr. Omidi can perform liposuction to strategically remove excess fat from areas that are making your figure appear more masculine with a thin cannula and gentle suction that preserves your surrounding tissue. As a result, you can enjoy more balanced curves and a more feminine profile.

Cost of Facial Feminization in Beverly Hills

The cost of facial feminization will depend on your specific treatment plan and whether or not you need additional gender-affirming treatments to achieve your aesthetic goals. We can discuss your needs during your consultation and provide an all-inclusive quote. We also offer financing to help make your treatments more accessible.

Everyone deserves to feel comfortable and confident in their bodies. Contact our office or call (310) 281-0155 to learn more about how we can help.


Are results from facial feminization permanent? 

Yes! The results of facial feminization surgery are generally long-lasting, providing sustainable improvements to one’s facial structure. Lip enhancement with fillers will require maintenance sessions.

Does facial feminization cause scars? 

We make discrete, well-hidden incisions to reduce visible scarring. Although you will have thin, delicate scars, they should not be noticeable and are easy to conceal. 

Can I have other procedures with facial feminization? 

Yes, you can combine other procedures with facial feminization such as body contouring to help you achieve a more feminine figure.

Will I need more than one facial feminization procedure to maintain my results? 

Most patients can achieve their aesthetic goals with one appointment. However, this will depend on the number of procedures you are undergoing and your surgeon’s educated opinion.


  1. Dang BN, Hu AC, Bertrand AA, et al. Evaluation and treatment of facial feminization surgery: part I. forehead, orbits, eyebrows, eyes, and nose. Archives of Plastic Surgery. 2021;48(5):503-510. doi:https://doi.org/10.5999/aps.2021.00199 
  2. Hoss RA, Ramsey JL, Griffin AM, Langlois JH. The Role of Facial Attractiveness and Facial Masculinity/Femininity in Sex Classification of Faces. Perception. 2005;34(12):1459-1474. doi:https://doi.org/10.1068/p5154 
  3. Hohman MH, Teixeira J. Transgender Surgery of the Head and Neck. PubMed. Published 2024. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33760488/ 
  4. De Boulle K, Furuyama N, Heydenrych I, et al. Considerations for the Use of Minimally Invasive Aesthetic Procedures for Facial Remodeling in Transgender Individuals. Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology. 2021;Volume 14:513-525. doi:https://doi.org/10.2147/ccid.s304032 
  5. Rafał Pokrowiecki, Barbora Šufliarsky, Maciej Jagielak. Esthetic Surgery of the Chin in Cis- and Transgender Patients—Application of T-Genioplasty vs. Single-Piece Segment Lateralization. Medicina. 2024;60(1):139-139. doi:https://doi.org/10.3390/medicina60010139