Breast Revision

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Beverly Hills and Greater Los Angeles

Breast Revision Dr. Michael Omidi, M.D., F.A.C.S.

Breast revision is a surgical procedure designed to address concerns related to previously performed breast surgeries, including breast augmentation. A revision can improve the results of a previous breast enhancement surgery, correct the position of a breast implant that shifted out of place, and remove breast tissue that hardened around an implant (capsular contracture). (1)

Dr. Michael Omidi, M.D., F.A.C.S. is a board-certified plastic surgeon with more than 15 years of experience helping patients transform their breasts with customizable procedures. Contact our office or call (310) 281-0155 to learn more about breast revision surgery and how it can improve your silhouette.

About Breast Revision

In 2023, breast augmentation was the second most popular cosmetic surgical procedure, and surgeons performed more than 547,000 breast enhancement surgeries. However, revision rates can be as high as 36%. (2) Revision surgery can help restore your breast volume and shape if you experience changes in the appearance of your breasts after receiving implants. During a breast revision procedure, we can replace your implants with new ones to enhance your natural form and make aesthetic adjustments based on your personal preferences.

When to Consider Breast Revision

Reasons for seeking breast revision can include:

  • Capsular contracture: Capsular contracture is a hardening of the breast tissue around an implant. It occurs when excess scar tissue forms around the implant and can cause the breast to feel hard or painful.
  • Symmastia: Symmastia refers to the unnatural joining of breasts after augmentation. If individuals experience this complication, surgical correction may be required. This often includes repositioning the implants properly.
  • Implant rupture: Breast implant rupture is when an implant loses its integrity, either through a visible tear or leak. In cases of saline implants, a rupture results in immediate loss of volume, making it very noticeable. When silicone implants rupture, the silicone gel may stay trapped within the fibrous capsule surrounding the implant, sometimes termed ‘silent rupture’.
  • A desire to change breast volume: Some women desire a different implant size or profile. Depending on your preferences, you can choose to increase or decrease the size of your breasts with new implants.
  • Weight fluctuations: Changes in body weight or motherhood might cause skin stretching and a change in appearance that some individuals wish to correct. We can increase or decrease the volume of your breasts depending on the look you would like to achieve.
  • Asymmetry: If one breast appears noticeably different than the other, we can correct imbalances to help you achieve a more even, balanced look. Some implants can shift out of place, resulting in an asymmetrical appearance.
  • Implant removal: While replacing older implants with updated versions is very common, some women decide to remove their implants entirely for a more natural look.

Breast Revision After Significant Weight Loss

After massive weight loss, particularly after the use of GLP-1 medications like semaglutide and tirzepatide, some patients experience noticeable changes in breast appearance. Excess fat can stretch the skin, and when that fat goes away, this can lead to a droopy appearance that can affect self-esteem. Colloquially known as “Ozempic breast,” this phenomenon can cause people with previously augmented breasts to seek revision surgery. If you recently lost weight and had a breast augmentation in the past, Dr. Omidi can perform a breast revision to balance your proportions and help you achieve a breast appearance that fits the rest of your body.

See our blog to learn more about how we can contour your figure after weight loss.

Breast Revision Benefits

  • Increased Satisfaction: Many people find renewed happiness and contentment with their breast appearance after revision surgery.
  • Improved Comfort: Addressing discomfort caused by capsular contracture or malpositioned implants can alleviate persistent unease.
  • Enhanced Aesthetics: Revision allows patients to refine the size or shape of their breasts, creating a more attractive silhouette.
  • Restoration of Symmetry: Asymmetric breasts can be corrected to achieve even proportions, resulting in a balanced appearance.
  • Update to Modern Implants: Patients may choose to exchange older implants for newer, more advanced options that provide better aesthetics and safety.
  • Customization: Each procedure is tailored specifically to the individual, taking into account their body and cosmetic goals.

Breast Revision Candidates

The best candidates for breast revision would like to enhance the look of their breasts after a previous surgery. Suitable candidates are:

  • Able to maintain a stable weight
  • Are within 30% of a healthy body mass index (BMI)
  • Able to exercise regularly

Whether you would like to enhance your breasts because your cosmetic preferences have changed, or you are unhappy with the results of a previous procedure, Dr. Omidi can help you achieve effective results.

Personal Consultation

The journey towards breast revision starts with a detailed personal consultation. During this meeting, Dr. Omidi will review your medical history, discuss your surgical goals, and conduct a physical examination. This step is critical, as it provides both the patient and the surgeon the chance to set realistic expectations. He will also ask about your aesthetic preferences to create a treatment plan that helps you achieve your desired breast size and shape. If you have photographs of your desired look, please bring them to your appointment so we can reference them during your consultation. Please come prepared with any questions you have about the procedure, process, or recovery time.


For breast revision surgery, there are several steps you will need to take to prepare so you can enjoy the best outcome:

  • We recommend scheduling time off work and arranging for someone to drive you home from the procedure.
  • You will need to stop taking blood thinners 1-2 weeks before and stop smoking 6 weeks before your procedure.
  • You will also need to stop drinking 24 hours before and after your procedure.
  • Avoiding sun exposure and taking care of your skin will be important for achieving results. If your skin is damaged, we will need to wait for it to heal before we perform your procedure.
  • Running errands ahead of time and preparing a comfortable place in your home can help you focus on your recovery.
  • Many patients prepare their meals ahead of time as well so they can focus on resting.


Before your procedure begins, we will cleanse your skin and place you under anesthesia. Dr. Omidi will mark your breasts and make discrete incisions along the natural breast crease, where your old incisions are. Depending on your body goals, we can:

  • Remove scar tissue from capsular contracture (capsulectomy) and place new implants
  • Replace your old implants with new ones that are the same size
  • Increase or decrease the size of your breast implants
  • Remove your breast implants entirely

The technique he will use will depend on the condition of your breasts, the position of the nipple in relation to the inframammary crease (nipple-areolar complex), and your aesthetic goals. (3) If you are experiencing significant skin sagging (ptosis), Dr. Omidi may perform a breast lift for a perkier look.

Recovery & Results

Breast Revision Dr. Michael Omidi, M.D., F.A.C.S.

Your recovery from breast revision surgery will depend on your specific treatment plan and whether you receive corresponding treatments. Most patients can return to work after 1-2 weeks, but you will likely need to wear a compression bra to help your body heal for several weeks afterward. We can provide specific instructions about when you can return to regular exercise. You will need to avoid lifting heavy objects and any activities that require you to use your arms or upper body strength.

Once healing is complete, you can anticipate noticeable improvements in breast appearance restored aesthetically according to your vision. Any residual scarring depends on individual skin characteristics and incision techniques utilized. Ultimately, well-executed breast revisions can contribute significantly to your confidence and overall appearance.

The Cost of Breast Revision in Beverly Hills

The cost of breast revision will depend on your unique treatment plan. Each procedure is customizable according to the specific needs of the patient. We can provide an all-inclusive quote during your consultation. We also offer financing to help make your treatment more accessible.

Contact our office or call (310) 281-0155 to learn more about how a breast revision can help you achieve fuller, perkier breasts.


Will I have scars after a breast revision?

Yes, however, we make incisions along the scars from your previous procedure and the natural folds of your breasts to make them discrete and easy to conceal.

Can breast revision affect my ability to breastfeed?

A breast revision should not affect your ability to breastfeed, but pregnancy can affect your results. If you are planning to become pregnant, we recommend that you wait to have a breast revision.

Can I lift my breasts with a breast revision?

Yes, with a breast revision, we can lift the position of your breasts for a perkier, younger look.

Will a breast revision affect mammograms?

No, a breast revision should not affect mammogram results. If you have concerns about testing, please come prepared to discuss them at your consultation.


  1. Denney BD, Cohn AB, Bosworth JW, Kumbla PA. Revision Breast Augmentation. Seminars in Plastic Surgery. 2021;35(02):098-109. doi:
  2. American Society of Plastic Surgeons ® Endorsed Partner.
  3. Ramanadham SR, Rose Johnson A. Breast Lift with and without Implant: A Synopsis and Primer for the Plastic Surgeon. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Global Open. 2020;8(10):e3057. doi: