Conveniently located to serve the areas of Beverly Hills and Greater Los Angeles

A facelift is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures and for a good reason – it remains the most comprehensive approach to treating wrinkles and sagging skin on the face and neck caused by aging or weight loss. Facelifts produce visible and lasting results to give you a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance for many years to come.
Before and After Photos
Are You the Right Candidate?

Dr. Michael Omidi is a facelift expert who treats patients in Beverly Hills, Apple Valley, the Inland Empire, and the Greater Los Angeles area. In his extensive experience, different individuals have varying reasons for choosing a facelift. Most patients feel that premature aging has made them look older than they actually are and wish to restore their youthful appearance. Other patients cite stress, health issues, or frequent exposure to the sun as possible causes of facial wrinkles, sagging skin, and sunken cheeks. During your consultation, Dr. Michael Omidi will take his time to familiarize himself with your individual concerns and your particular expectations for the procedure.
The Procedure
All facelifts involve tightening of the skin and underlying muscles to eliminate skin looseness and bring about a more youthful and natural look. Facelifts come in different varieties with some requiring more incisions than others. Known for being open with his patients, Dr. Michael Omidi provides a careful consultation to make sure you understand whether you need a full facelift, a mid-facelift, or a mini facelift for best results. Over the years, he has mastered a safe and up-to-date facelift technique that guarantees smaller incisions, minimal scarring and bleeding, less hair loss, minor numbness, and quickest recovery.

Full Facelift
A full facelift typically involves a whole complex of rejuvenating treatments targeting all areas of the face and neck. Offering the most thorough means to achieve facial rejuvenation, this procedure treats the forehead, midface, the lower face, and neck. Considered to be the most effective facial plastic surgery, it not only tightens your skin but also treats the underlying muscle tissue and fat. Aside from reviving the appearance of your facial skin, a full facelift has a great advantage of tightening loose skin in the jawline and the neck.
Mid Facelift
Not all patients require an extensive full facelift, seeking instead to revitalize specific areas of the face. When a cheek lift is sufficient to restore a youthful appearance by eliminating your nasolabial folds or smile lines, Dr. Michael Omidi will perform a mid facelift. This procedure will elevate the cheeks and address drooping jowls. A mid facelift makes a big difference in restoring your youthful appearance because correcting sagging cheeks eliminates one of the earliest signs of aging. A less invasive treatment, a mid-facelift also corrects hollow areas below the lower eyelids, giving you a more refreshed look.
Mini Facelift
Mini facelifts are becoming increasingly popular in large part due to their less invasive nature and minimal downtime. Unlike full facelifts, for example, this procedure typically requires only a local anesthetic and takes approximately 1 to 2 hours to complete. Like mid facelifts, a mini facelift also targets the signs of aging in the mid-face, cheeks, and lower eyelids. However, it produces far subtler results, making it more suitable for younger patients who require only a mild revision. It is particularly effective when it comes to restoring definition in your jawline, yielding natural-looking results with minimal scarring.
Scheduling a consultation is a crucial first step in undergoing a facelift.
- A consultation allows Dr. Michael Omidi to carefully assess your needs and discuss your desired results.
- Dr. Michael Omidi will spend as much time as necessary to evaluate your needs and determine which treatment options are best for you.
- He will make sure that you have realistic expectations for facelift results.
- You and Dr. Omidi will also discuss any prior medical conditions or drug allergies.
- Dr. Paul is a professor at UCI, has written numerous text books and was the past president of the society and chief of Lifestyle lift. That was the largest chain group that did facelifts.
Getting Ready for a Facelift

Dr. Michael Omidi will instruct you to stop smoking and avoid medications that contribute to increased bleeding during a facelift procedure. The day before surgery, you should take care not to drink or eat anything after midnight. On the morning of surgery, take a prescribed nausea medication with a small sip of water and avoid wearing makeup or perfume.
How is Facelift Performed?
Most facelifts require only one surgical procedure. It usually lasts two to five hours, depending on whether you choose a full facelift, a mid-facelift, or a mini facelift. Dr. Michael Omidi takes the following basic steps while performing a facelift:
- An experienced anesthesiologist or CRNA will use general anesthesia for your safety.
- Dr. Michael Omidi will make incisions in your hairline at the temples. The number of incisions is determined by specific facial areas that require revision.
- He will then will separate the top skin layer from the underlying tissue and lift the deeper layers of your face.
- Dr. Michael Omidi will tighten underlying facial tissues and make your overlying skin tissue smooth and wrinkle-free.
- He will also remove excess skin and fat while raising the skin from the cheeks, temples, and neck.
- In some cases, Dr. Michael Omidi will use fat grafting to restore facial volume or perform liposuction of the jowls and neck area.
- At the end of the surgery, he will re-drape the skin over the treated underlying tissue and close the incisions that are usually positioned around the ears.
On the day of the procedure, you should make arrangements for someone to drive you home after surgery. If, for some reason, you are unable to do so, please notify Dr. Michael Omidi in advance so that his staff may prepare an after-care facility for you to stay overnight. You may experience minimal drainage during the first 48 hours after surgery. In some cases, you may use a compression garment and the drains to control blood collections under your facial skin.
To minimize swelling, you should try to sleep with your head elevated during the first 1-2 weeks after the procedure.
Most patients experience some degree of bruising and swelling immediately after a facelift. Swelling will peak during the first 36 to 48 hours after the procedure and gradually resolve over the following 2 weeks.
In some cases, it may take up to 6 to 8 months for swelling to completely subside while your facelift results continue to improve during this period. Once your facelift “settles,” the results will bring you confidence and satisfaction for many years to come.
Most patients may resume normal activities within 7 to 10 days. However, you should avoid vigorous physical exercise for at least 3 weeks after surgery.
Dr. Michael Omidi and his staff are committed to treating patients with the highest consideration and care. They will follow up after the procedure to ensure that you are following a smooth recovery process. If necessary, Dr. Michael Omidi will prescribe safe oral medication to manage any mild discomfort that you may experience immediately after surgery.