Varicose Vein Removal
Conveniently located to serve the areas of Beverly Hills and Greater Los Angeles

Varicose vein removal is a treatment that eliminates the unsightly and uncomfortable presence of enlarged veins.
Varicose veins are immediately identifiable because of their tortuous, twisted, or elongated appearance. They can be caused by a number of factors, including valve dysfunction, decreased vein elasticity, or damage from prior blood clots. Regardless of their cause, they result in the pooling of blood in the veins, which increases pressure on the dysfunctional vein and leads to their enlarged appearance. This can also affect the surrounding veins. (1)
Besides marring the appearance of the legs, where they most often occur, they can also cause uncomfortable symptoms that can progress to dangerous and painful conditions if left untreated.
In short, there’s nothing vain about wanting to treat your veins!
If you’re bothered or even suffering from varicose veins, you certainly have options. Today’s treatments for varicose veins are minimally invasive and require less recovery than ever before. Dr. Michael Omidi’s Beverly Hills practice has a variety of state-of-the-art technologies at its fingertips to treat troublesome varicose veins. To offer his patients the best in vein expertise, Dr. Omidi has partnered with Dr. Lee Au, who has over 33 years of medical experience. Don’t put off relief. Call (310) 281-0155 or fill out this online form to schedule an appointment. Our offices are conveniently located on Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles’ major artery!
All About Varicose Veins
Varicose veins most commonly occur in the lower limbs, typically the lower legs and feet.
Varicose veins are a symptom of a condition called venous reflux, which can lead to further complications. When veins are unable to efficiently return blood from the limbs to the heart, the normal “traffic flow” of blood is disrupted. This is usually due to a compromised valve system in the veins, which otherwise keeps blood moving upward at a regular rate against the pull of gravity. Blood bottlenecks in the veins, which become abnormally dilated and enlarged. Because these veins are close to the surface of the skin, they become highly visible and can disrupt the surface of otherwise smooth, healthy skin. (2)
Unfortunately, varicose veins are a common condition in adults. In fact, it’s estimated to be the 7th most common reason for physician referral in the US.

Genetics don’t help either. If both of your parents had varicose veins, there’s a 90% chance that you will too. If just one of your parents suffered from them, that only halves your odds. If neither of them had varicose veins, you’re still not off the hook– there’s still a 20% chance that you’ll deal with varicose veins sometime in your adulthood.
But while you may end up with your mother’s varicose veins, you don’t have to tolerate her varicose vein treatments!
In the past, varicose vein treatment involved a surgical procedure that required tying off each end of the offending vein (ligation) and removing the damaged section of vein between (stripping). Often, the vein was removed from the entire length of the leg, starting with an incision in the groin, and another further down the leg. This usually required general anesthesia and several days of recovery. It also posed high risks of complications and didn’t eliminate the possibility that a varicose vein could recur.
Today’s treatments for varicose veins are minimally invasive, and patients are able to return to their normal activities immediately after their quick procedure. (1)
Varicose Vein Treatments in Beverly Hills
ClariVein Treatment
ClariVein Treatment is a minimally invasive procedure that allows patients to walk in, and out, without the need for antibiotics or anesthesia.

ClariVein is an endovenous treatment, which means that the vein is removed by threading a tiny catheter through the inside of the varicose vein. The tip of this catheter agitates the lining of the vein as it moves through the length of the vein. As it is slowly pulled out, it releases small does of a sclerosant. This chemical further irritates the lining of the blood vessel, which causes it to shut down. Blood is then diverted into other healthier veins, and the defunct varicose vein is reabsorbed back into the body.
Doctors are enthusiastic about endovenous techniques because the benefits include fewer complications, less recovery time, better cosmetic outcomes, and less discomfort for the patient. In one study, 300 patients who underwent ClariVein treatment were asked to rate their pain on a scale of 1-10. The average of their responses was less than 1! (3)
Endovenous Laser Ablation
Like ClariVein, Endovenous Laser Ablation removes varicose veins by working from the inside of the vein out. However, rather than use a sclerosant, ELA uses a thin laser fiber that is threaded through the vein to produce a thermal reaction, which then closes down the vein. This treatment only takes 30-60 minutes, and doesn’t require sutures or cause scarring. Patients are able to return to their normal activities immediately after treatment.
For patients who are suffering from varicose veins that are too large to be treated with sclerotherapy, microphlebectomy is a delicate procedure that physically removes the damaged, knotty vein. This procedure is also known as ambulatory phlebectomy. But this removal technique is micro indeed! Using incisions only 2-3 millimeters long, the surgeon is able to use specialized instruments to hook and draw out the section of the dysfunctional vein, which is clamped and excised. (4) This varicose vein removal procedure is able to be performed with only local anesthesia and does not require sutures.
Radio Frequency Ablation
RF Ablation is another endovenous varicose vein removal procedure that uses a thermal effect to seal off enlarged and ailing veins. After examining the vein via ultrasound scan, a fine incision is made and a catheter inserted into the offending section of the vein. For this treatment, the catheter allows short bursts of radiofrequency energy that causes the walls of the vein to shrink and close, while tumescent anesthesia injected into the surrounding tissue keeps even pressure on the vein and protects neighboring cells. (4)
Patients are able to return to their schedules immediately after sclerotherapy. (5)
Sclerotherapy is another popular minimally invasive technique for removing varicose veins. This procedure involves the use of a sclerosant, which is injected directly into the vein. This medication directly targets the cells that line the blood vessel and the walls of the vein, causing controlled damage that closes down the section of vein. This technique is considered one of the most effective for those who have experienced recurring varicose veins. It takes about an hour, and delivers effective relief with side effects that last only minutes.
Treating varicose veins in a timely manner will relieve the bothersome symptoms that typically accompany venous reflux. These include:
- Aching and throbbing
- Swelling
- Night cramps
- Restless legs
- Leg fatigue
- Itching and burning
Even if you’re not experiencing any of these symptoms and are only concerned about the appearance of your varicose veins, medical intervention is critical. Venous reflux (the cause of varicose veins) tends to be progressive. If these veins are left untreated, it can lead to chronic venous insufficiency.
A number of complications are associated with untreated venous reflux:
- Thrombophlebitis: painful blood clots due to poor blood flow
- Rupture and hemorrhages
Chronic venous insufficiency can also lead to changes in the skin, known as stasis dermatitis. Stasis dermatitis has unpleasant and dangerous consequences, including:
- Swelling
- Hyperpigmentation
- Eczema
- Lipodermatosclerosis: in which the underlying fat because inflammed and enlarged, and skin begins to harden
- Stasis ulceration: the development of painful ulcers on the surface of the skin that can risk infection and ultimately affect mobility (1)
Luckily, these conditions can be avoided. Contact our office today, and be proactive about your vein health. To learn more about the other services that Dr. Omidi offers to help you look and feel your best, follow him on social media and check out his blog!
Personal Consultation
Unlike other medical conditions, if you have varicose veins, you’re well aware. They make their presence known by their enlarged, contorted appearance and unpleasant physical symptoms.

Removing varicose veins eliminates discomfort and worry. With so many fast and effective procedures available, there’s no need to jeopardize your health by living with this bothersome and potentially dangerous condition. During your personal consultation, Dr. Au will examine your varicose veins and may perform an ultrasound to determine their severity. After reviewing your medical history and listening to your personal experience and concerns, he’ll be able to recommend the best procedure to remove your varicose veins. When you schedule the appointment for your vein treatment, you’ll receive tailored instructions on how to prepare, any medications to discontinue, and what to expect during and after your varicose vein removal.
Recovery and Results
The enodovenous, sclerotherapy, and microphlebectomy procedures that Dr. Au performs offer little to no recovery time, and patients are usually able to stroll out to continue their day after their procedure. Depending on the procedure and the extent of the treatment required, you may need to wear compression stockings for one or more days following your varicose vein removal. Unless you’ve opted for a phlebectomy, the treated vein will naturally be reabsorbed by your body. It should be faded from view in 2-3 weeks.
How Much Does Varicose Vein Removal Cost in Beverly Hills?
The cost of your varicose vein treatment will depend on the condition of your veins, and the procedure best suited to your needs. It will also depend on whether you have more than one vein that needs to be addressed. Financing may be available for patients that qualify.
- Medical Advisory Secretariat. Endovascular Radiofrequency Ablation for Varicose Veins. Ontario Health Technology Assessment Series. 2011;11(1):1-93. Accessed May 4, 2021.
- Guo L, Huang R, Zhao D, et al. Long-term efficacy of different procedures for treatment of varicose veins: A network meta-analysis. Medicine (Baltimore). 2019;98(7):e14495. doi:10.1097/MD.0000000000014495
- Tang TY, Kam JW, Gaunt ME. ClariVein® – Early results from a large single-centre series of mechanochemical endovenous ablation for varicose veins. Phlebology. 2017;32(1):6-12. doi:10.1177/0268355516630154
- Whiddon LL. Advances in the treatment of superficial venous insufficiency of the lower extremities. Proc (Bayl Univ Med Cent). 2007;20(2):136-139. doi:10.1080/08998280.2007.11928269
- Lin F, Zhang S, Sun Y, Ren S, Liu P. The management of varicose veins. Int Surg. 2015;100(1):185-189. doi:10.9738/INTSURG-D-14-00084.1